
Credit Ratings

excellent solvency

Credit Ratings

excellent solvency

  • Moody's: Aa2
  • Fitch: A+ / F1+
  • DBRS: A / R-1

The Savings Banks Finance Group has  a Corporate Family Rating of Aa2 from Moody’s Investors Service, a Floor Rating of A from DBRS for all members of its Institution Protection Scheme – in particular for the Savings Banks, Landesbanken and central building societies, as well as a Group Rating of A+ from Fitch for all Savings Banks.

Moody’s Corporate Family Rating represents a financial strength assessment of the entire Savings Banks Finance Group.   

DBRS’ Floor Rating signifies a creditworthiness of all its Institution Protection Scheme of at least A.  No member of the Savings Banks Finance Group’s Institution Protection Scheme can fall below this assessment level. 

As neither of the two group evaluations represents a unified rating, it may be possible for Group members to achieve higher individual ratings than the Corporate Family Rating or the Floor Rating.

Moody's Corporate Family Rating, DBRS' Floor Rating and Fitch's Goup Rating can all be used on the capital market. The ratings of DBRS and Fitch can be used as individual ratings and are assigned to the Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf.

The positive ratings by all three agencies were primarily influenced by: 

  • the solid business model and the good credit standing, in particular on the part of Savings Banks, 
  • the co-operation and solidarity within the Savings Banks Finance Group, 
  • the Savings Banks’ risk management, 
  • the diversification of their risk exposure, and 
  • the Group’s protection schemes. 


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